Westfields’ four savannah courts were newly laid in 2019. Tennis can take place between 7.00 am and 9.30 pm every day of the year.
(Some courts may be booked for coaching and for matches but there is nearly always court availability)
(Some courts may be booked for coaching and for matches but there is nearly always court availability)
All members are welcome to join in the Club Sessions. A rotation system is used to mix people around so you get to play with many different members.
The Club has a number of teams competing in local leagues. Currently, these include:
If you are interested in playing team tennis then put your name forward for selection. Contact Kev (Men) or Sally (Ladies).
All members can arrange to play whenever they want providing a court booking is made.
Members can book any court for up to 2 hours and up to a week in advance by using the LTA’s ClubSpark system. Download the ‘Booker’ app to your phone for most convenience or visit the Westfields page on ClubSpark.
Members are welcome to invite a playing visitor to join them in a game.
Potential new members wanting to try out the Club can join in one of the Club Sessions but should let us know in advance.
The Club has floodlighting on three courts, enabling evening play after dark. Floodlight meters require £1 coins (for 15 minutes).
Each year the Club organises five tournaments for all members who wish to join in (men’s singles and doubles, ladies’ singles and doubles, and mixed doubles). These take place during the summer months with the finals usually arranged for early September. Finals Day is a traditional event where all members are warmly invited to attend to watch the play, support their friends and enjoy the wonderful home-cooked food!